Essential Spring Break Home Safety Tips with Alert 360

Spring Break is a beacon of relaxation and exploration for many, heralding a period where the wanderlust-stricken venture towards warmer climates or international adventures.

Expertise in Action: Alert 360's Patrick Bergeron on Transforming Home Security

We are thrilled to have Patrick Bergeron, Regional Vice President at Alert 360, with us today. Patrick's journey into the security industry is a personal one, beginning in his youth, not with a particular fascination for security systems but rather as a part of his daily life. His curiosity was piqued by the tools and equipment he saw every day, which later flourished into a career sparked by his father's encouragement and his own perseverance in the face of early career challenges.

Secure Your Sanctuary: Essential Home Security Upgrades for a Safer 2024

In today's rapidly evolving world, the safety of our homes remains a paramount concern. With advancements in technology, keeping our home security systems up-to-date has never been more crucial. According to the FBI's Crime Clock, a burglary offense in the United States occurred every 22.6 seconds as of 2017, highlighting the critical need for robust home security measures.

What to Do if Your Package is Stolen

According to, more than a quarter of consumers have experienced package theft. This startling statistic from a 2023 report reveals a troubling trend affecting many households. With the rise of online shopping, package theft has become a common concern, especially in residential areas. But what can you do if you fall victim to this growing issue?

Enhancing Student Safety: Essential Tips and Tools for a Secure Life

Based on recent data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics, more than 27,000 criminal occurrences were officially reported to law enforcement and security authorities among full-time college students. In an ever-changing world, ensuring the safety of students has become a paramount concern.

Summer Vacation Safety Tips

Embracing the relentless heat that comes along with the summer months can be a daunting task. Yet, it's within these rising temperatures that the importance of safety and comfort truly shines through. The National Safety Council has highlighted that summer is often a peak period for preventable accidents and injuries, underscoring the need for extra vigilance.