Front of House showing Alert 360 cameras and yard sign to deter burglars
Top 5 Strategies to Prevent Home Burglaries

Ensuring your home's security is a priority for every homeowner. In an era where burglaries are becoming increasingly common, taking proactive measures to protect your property is essential. A recent study showed that homes without security systems are 300% more likely to be burglarized, underscoring the need for effective home security solutions. Alert 360 stands at the forefront of home security, offering state-of-the-art products designed to deter potential intruders and make your home a fortress of safety and comfort.

Enhancing Home Security Through Strategic Landscaping: A Guide by Alert 360

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, the likelihood of becoming a victim of violent crime rises during the summer. Consistently, research on the subject reaches a similar consensus. In today's world, where security concerns are paramount, homeowners constantly seek innovative ways to protect their property. While traditional security systems play a crucial role, the layout and maintenance of your landscape can significantly impact your home's safety.

What to Do if Your Package is Stolen

According to, more than a quarter of consumers have experienced package theft. This startling statistic from a 2023 report reveals a troubling trend affecting many households. With the rise of online shopping, package theft has become a common concern, especially in residential areas. But what can you do if you fall victim to this growing issue?

Capture Santa on Your Smart Home Security Camera This Christmas

In recent years, a thrilling holiday surprise has greeted some children on Christmas morning: an authentic snapshot of Santa Claus, caught by their smart home security camera. This year, it's your turn to delight your kids with this magical moment. Picture it: Christmas Day arrives. You're sipping your first coffee of the day, a little bleary-eyed. Your family huddles around the tree, excitement in the air.

Home Safety: Moving into Your New Home

In order to ensure your family’s comfort and protection in a new home, you can’t approach your prep lightly. So, let’s go over moving safely and the essential role of home security in your new residence!

Assessing your new neighborhood

Assessing your new neighborhood is essential in ensuring home security in your new residence. Whether you're moving into a new property or apartment, taking the time to understand your surroundings is crucial. Start by researching crime rates and safety statistics in the area.

Creating a Safe Haven for Your Little One: Alert 360's Expert Advice for New Parents

According to the National Safety Council, unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death for children under the age of 19, with infants and toddlers being particularly vulnerable. Welcoming a new addition to your family is an exciting and joyous time, but it also comes with a great deal of responsibility, especially when it comes to creating a safe environment for your little one. At Alert 360, we understand the importance of safeguarding your home for your precious bundle of joy.